Waste Treatment Plants: Composting and Waste to Energy Plants
Composting Plant
Mature compost within 7 weeks time (Certificated) - Fermentation and Maturation included. Linear bagging automatic system
No civil work needed in any form compared to other standard and expensive systems such as windrow or tunnel composting that need costly investments
windrow turner needed because our system generates homogenous and porous material initially and because of the microclimate originated in the interior of the bags which accelerates the aerobic fermentation
Waste to Energy Plants
High NCV (Net Calorific Value) and low humidity SFR (Solid Fuel Recovered) through linear bagging system
In general
No civil work needed in any form
No covered building needed
Wide production range: 1.000 – 200.000 TN/year
Energy- saving forced ventilation system
No presence of leachate nor odor, which means no biofiltre system needed
Space optimization: our system optimizes the working surface more than any other existing system
Self stockage system in linear bags, no stockage building needed
Automatic remote control without any on-board man needed
Low operation costs and low investment, which means a rapid return of investment in all terms
Ritorna Medio Ambiente is specially focused on Composting Plants as well as on Waste to Energy Plants, especially interesting for Cement Manufacturers in order to produce low cost combustible.
Ritorna´s System Advantages

Application Industries
Sludge composting and drying, organic fraction composting from MSW (Municipal Solid Waste), pruning and green waste composting, organic waste composting, animal manure composting of any kind, food waste composting, composting of AWM (Animal Waste Management), in vessel composting, etc
SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel) Installations - Waste to Energy Installations to produce secondary fuels, especially interesting for those energy intensive industries that need to produce heat in their process (incineration- coincineration, cement industy , etc) in order to save on primary fuels